

MDD5 - Considerations for Including Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment due to early Alzheimer’s disease in Human Factors Studies
DescriptionAs the US population ages, and the prevalence of age-related cognitive decline increases, we are seeing new research efforts in cognitive and memory-related drug and combination device development. With these new drugs and devices comes an increased need for human factors testing that incorporates target users and may require the use of study subjects with some degree of cognitive impairment. In this poster, we draw on our own experience working with mildly cognitively impaired research subjects and consider the literature on dementia and cognitive decline to outline important considerations to make when working with this population. Sharing this information can help ensure studies are designed appropriately and inform others of potential pitfalls that can be encountered when working with older adults with mild cognitive impairment.

Within the poster, we discuss several aspects of the study where special considerations may need to be made to ensure accurate results and participant wellbeing for participants with mild cognitive impairment. First, we detail some considerations that must be made during the design and set-up phase of the study. This includes who recruits the participants and how the recruitment process is executed. We additionally discuss how to screen participants and make recommendations on scheduling time and procedures. Next, we examine ethical considerations that must be made, particularly related to the informed consent process. Finally, our presentation discusses general considerations during the execution phase of the study. This includes detailing safety risks that may arise, communicating clearly and effectively with participants during the study, and fluctuating levels of concentration and performance during the study session.
Event Type
Poster Presentation
TimeMonday, March 254:45pm - 6:15pm CDT
LocationSalon C
Digital Health
Simulation and Education
Hospital Environments
Medical and Drug Delivery Devices
Patient Safety Research and Initiatives