Michael Bellamy
Dr. Michael B. Bellamy is a demonstrated expert at applying high-performance radiation transport and internal kinetics algorithms to analyses that support patient, epidemiologic, and occupational radiation safety research and excellence. Currently employed at the renowned Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Dr. Bellamy is a member of NCRP SC 1-28, Recommendations on Statistical Approaches to Account for Dose Uncertainties in Radiation Epidemiologic Risk Models.
In addition to his ongoing expert dosimetric support of the NCRP Million Person Study on occupational radiation epidemiology, this proud Georgia Tech graduate has significant radiation protection professional service and affiliations, serving as a consultant to ICRU Report Committee 26 (operational radiation protection quantities for external radiation), a corresponding member on ICRP Task Group 90 (age-dependent dose coefficients for external exposures to environmental sources), and member on ANS Radiation Protection and Shielding Division subcommittees.
Beyond his technical publications in the peer-reviewed literature, Dr. Bellamy has produced numerous Federal agency reports (including for the EPA-ORIA, U.S. NRC, CDC, EPA-SUPERFUND and U.S. DOE) during his time at Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL/Center for Radiation Protection Knowledge) on cancer risk estimates following inhalation or ingestion of radioactive materials, dose coefficients for external exposure from environmentally distributed radionuclides, dose-rate and dose associated with exposure to patients treated with I-131, neutron dose to the lens of the eye, as well as models and calculations on the relative biological effectiveness of low-energy electrons, photons, and radionuclides, as well as on other relevant topics of importance for the profession of radiation protection.
In addition to his ongoing expert dosimetric support of the NCRP Million Person Study on occupational radiation epidemiology, this proud Georgia Tech graduate has significant radiation protection professional service and affiliations, serving as a consultant to ICRU Report Committee 26 (operational radiation protection quantities for external radiation), a corresponding member on ICRP Task Group 90 (age-dependent dose coefficients for external exposures to environmental sources), and member on ANS Radiation Protection and Shielding Division subcommittees.
Beyond his technical publications in the peer-reviewed literature, Dr. Bellamy has produced numerous Federal agency reports (including for the EPA-ORIA, U.S. NRC, CDC, EPA-SUPERFUND and U.S. DOE) during his time at Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL/Center for Radiation Protection Knowledge) on cancer risk estimates following inhalation or ingestion of radioactive materials, dose coefficients for external exposure from environmentally distributed radionuclides, dose-rate and dose associated with exposure to patients treated with I-131, neutron dose to the lens of the eye, as well as models and calculations on the relative biological effectiveness of low-energy electrons, photons, and radionuclides, as well as on other relevant topics of importance for the profession of radiation protection.
Poster Presentation
Digital Health
Simulation and Education
Hospital Environments
Medical and Drug Delivery Devices
Patient Safety Research and Initiatives