SE1 - Auburn University Healthcare Human Factors Program
DescriptionWe are creating a graduate certificate at Auburn University, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering in Healthcare Systems Engineering. The minimum number of hours required for a graduate certificate at AU is 9 hours. We have created three courses:
INSY 6650 - Healthcare Systems, Culture, and Policy - offered in Spring
INSY 6660 - Healthcare Operations - offered in Summer
INSY 6670 - Human Factors in Healthcare - offered in Fall
This certificate is offered both on-campus and fully asynchronous online and can be earned alone or in conjunction with one of our degree programs, Master of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering, Master of Engineering Management, or PhD in Industrial and Systems Engineering. The certificate is open to other engineering majors as well. Students from other colleges or backgrounds will also be considered depending on qualifications.
If students are in one of our degree programs as well as in the certificate program, they can take one course in Lean Systems and one course in Six Sigma and earn a certification in Lean-Six Sigma for no additional cost.
We consulted with 2 of our alumni who combined have worked as IE’s in Healthcare for 40+ years at multiple healthcare facilities/companies including Vanderbilt, UAB, Emory, and M.D. Anderson in terms of which courses should be offered and what the content should be.
These classes can be taken in any order and students can just choose one or two courses as electives in any of our programs without earning the certificate.
We are also creating an undergraduate certificate (on-campus only). The minimum number of hours required for an undergraduate certificate at AU is 12 hours. Students will take the three courses listed below. These undergraduate courses and the three graduate courses listed above are “piggy-backed” classes, offered in the same classroom at the same time. The class lectures are recorded for the online students who have access to the recordings almost immediately after the class concludes. There is differentiation between the assignments/assessments for the graduate vs. undergraduate sections.
INSY 5650 - Healthcare Systems, Culture, and Policy - offered in Spring
INSY 5660 - Healthcare Operations - offered in Summer
INSY 5670 - Human Factors in Healthcare - offered in Fall
For the 4th course in the undergraduate certificate, students may choose one course from a group of electives including INSY 5010 Occupational Safety, INSY 5250 Project Management, INSY 5330 Six Sigma, INSY 5500 Data Analytics and Modeling, INSY 5550 Decision Support Systems, and INSY 5800 Lean Systems. They can also count these certificate courses as INSY or TECH electives toward their degree. The undergraduate certificate is open to other engineering majors as well. Students from other colleges or backgrounds will also be considered depending on qualifications.
The undergraduate students are also able to earn a certification in Lean-Six Sigma for no additional cost.
All of these courses have already been offered one time with between 18 and 50 enrollments per semester.
Plans for the future is to add an option for Healthcare Systems Engineering for the Master of Engineering Management(MEM) Program.
We currently have an MEM program with 4 options: Manufacturing, Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, Product Innovation, and Systems. Here is the link to that program’s curriculum:*;Iw!!Ab1_Rw!AKIStk0jinTxs_SNOOf7uALxxJ8RyLn-TiaQRNlRgpaW7PMbyOXKZkNusmGsmw-edwH9YQbbqEStC3Kc7w$
We plan to add a 5th option in Healthcare Systems Engineering. The students in the program will be required to take the same 5 common core courses as the other options and then will be required to choose 2 of the graduate Healthcare courses (INSY 6650, 6660, or 6670) along with three electives to complete the degree.
INSY 6650 - Healthcare Systems, Culture, and Policy - offered in Spring
INSY 6660 - Healthcare Operations - offered in Summer
INSY 6670 - Human Factors in Healthcare - offered in Fall
This certificate is offered both on-campus and fully asynchronous online and can be earned alone or in conjunction with one of our degree programs, Master of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering, Master of Engineering Management, or PhD in Industrial and Systems Engineering. The certificate is open to other engineering majors as well. Students from other colleges or backgrounds will also be considered depending on qualifications.
If students are in one of our degree programs as well as in the certificate program, they can take one course in Lean Systems and one course in Six Sigma and earn a certification in Lean-Six Sigma for no additional cost.
We consulted with 2 of our alumni who combined have worked as IE’s in Healthcare for 40+ years at multiple healthcare facilities/companies including Vanderbilt, UAB, Emory, and M.D. Anderson in terms of which courses should be offered and what the content should be.
These classes can be taken in any order and students can just choose one or two courses as electives in any of our programs without earning the certificate.
We are also creating an undergraduate certificate (on-campus only). The minimum number of hours required for an undergraduate certificate at AU is 12 hours. Students will take the three courses listed below. These undergraduate courses and the three graduate courses listed above are “piggy-backed” classes, offered in the same classroom at the same time. The class lectures are recorded for the online students who have access to the recordings almost immediately after the class concludes. There is differentiation between the assignments/assessments for the graduate vs. undergraduate sections.
INSY 5650 - Healthcare Systems, Culture, and Policy - offered in Spring
INSY 5660 - Healthcare Operations - offered in Summer
INSY 5670 - Human Factors in Healthcare - offered in Fall
For the 4th course in the undergraduate certificate, students may choose one course from a group of electives including INSY 5010 Occupational Safety, INSY 5250 Project Management, INSY 5330 Six Sigma, INSY 5500 Data Analytics and Modeling, INSY 5550 Decision Support Systems, and INSY 5800 Lean Systems. They can also count these certificate courses as INSY or TECH electives toward their degree. The undergraduate certificate is open to other engineering majors as well. Students from other colleges or backgrounds will also be considered depending on qualifications.
The undergraduate students are also able to earn a certification in Lean-Six Sigma for no additional cost.
All of these courses have already been offered one time with between 18 and 50 enrollments per semester.
Plans for the future is to add an option for Healthcare Systems Engineering for the Master of Engineering Management(MEM) Program.
We currently have an MEM program with 4 options: Manufacturing, Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, Product Innovation, and Systems. Here is the link to that program’s curriculum:*;Iw!!Ab1_Rw!AKIStk0jinTxs_SNOOf7uALxxJ8RyLn-TiaQRNlRgpaW7PMbyOXKZkNusmGsmw-edwH9YQbbqEStC3Kc7w$
We plan to add a 5th option in Healthcare Systems Engineering. The students in the program will be required to take the same 5 common core courses as the other options and then will be required to choose 2 of the graduate Healthcare courses (INSY 6650, 6660, or 6670) along with three electives to complete the degree.
Event Type
Poster Presentation
TimeMonday, March 254:45pm - 6:15pm CDT
LocationSalon C
Digital Health
Simulation and Education
Hospital Environments
Medical and Drug Delivery Devices
Patient Safety Research and Initiatives