Integrating Human Factors to Enhance Healthcare Distance Simulation
DescriptionDistance simulation is a form of healthcare education that uses remote technology to deliver simulation-based training to learners who are physically distant from the instructor or the simulator (Lioce, et al., 2020). This technology can include online scenarios, video calls, virtual and augmented reality devices, and other hardware and software tools. There are different considerations for implementing each type of technology that depend on the training context, available resources, level of the learners, and intended learning outcomes. To understand when, where, and how to incorporate disparate technologies into distance simulation, human factors principles and approaches can be used. In this presentation, we highlight an ongoing effort to improve the quality and effectiveness of distance simulation training by enhancing the collaboration between human factors and healthcare simulation experts.
Distance simulation became more prevalent due to restrictions on in-person simulation during the COVID-19 pandemic, and distance simulation continues to expand as evidenced by exponentially more research on the topic in recent years (Bailey et al., under review). Our previous work identified challenges posed by the rapid expansion of distance programs, including the need to clarify appropriate technology selection, implementation, and pedagogical design across different training contexts (Kirkpatrick et al., 2023). These topics were then presented to the larger human factor’s community during a discussion panel at the 2023 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Healthcare Symposium in which human factors and simulation experts provided examples of their work in distance simulation, described key challenges in conducting distance simulation, and discussed how human factors principles can be utilized to enhance distance simulation (Bailey et al., 2023). Our goal is to continue this discussion, aiming to bridge the gaps between distance simulation and human factors practice. Through this second presentation of our ongoing collaborative work within the distance simulation community, we aim to identify specific areas of distance simulation which may experience greater benefit from the integration of human factors.
Lioce L. (Ed.), Lopreiato J. (Founding Ed.), Downing D., Chang T.P., Robertson J.M., Anderson M., Diaz D.A., and Spain A.E. (Assoc. Eds.) and the Terminology and Concepts Working Group (2020), Healthcare Simulation Dictionary –Second Edition. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; AHRQ Publication No. 20-0019. DOI:
Bailey, S., Hughes, A., Ray, J., Miller, G., Vora, S., & Scerbo, M. (2023, March). Human factors’ role in distance healthcare simulation [Panel]. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, Orlando, FL, USA
Bailey, S. (Under review). Review on healthcare distance simulation. Journal of Simulation in Healthcare.
Kirkpatrick AJ, Morton A, Palaganas JC, Ahmed R, Fayyaz J, Walsh B, Bailey S, Calhoun A, Duff J, Elkin R. Eller S, Greer S, Hughes A, Hughes P, Kardong-Edgren S. Kou M, Lababidi H, Lopez C, Ramachandra G. Ray J. Riggall V, Sanko J, Thomas A, Adler M, & Gross IT. (2023), 2022 Healthcare Distance Simulation Summit Proceedings - Advancing the Science of Distance Simulation. The Healthcare Distance Simulation Collaboration.
Distance simulation became more prevalent due to restrictions on in-person simulation during the COVID-19 pandemic, and distance simulation continues to expand as evidenced by exponentially more research on the topic in recent years (Bailey et al., under review). Our previous work identified challenges posed by the rapid expansion of distance programs, including the need to clarify appropriate technology selection, implementation, and pedagogical design across different training contexts (Kirkpatrick et al., 2023). These topics were then presented to the larger human factor’s community during a discussion panel at the 2023 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Healthcare Symposium in which human factors and simulation experts provided examples of their work in distance simulation, described key challenges in conducting distance simulation, and discussed how human factors principles can be utilized to enhance distance simulation (Bailey et al., 2023). Our goal is to continue this discussion, aiming to bridge the gaps between distance simulation and human factors practice. Through this second presentation of our ongoing collaborative work within the distance simulation community, we aim to identify specific areas of distance simulation which may experience greater benefit from the integration of human factors.
Lioce L. (Ed.), Lopreiato J. (Founding Ed.), Downing D., Chang T.P., Robertson J.M., Anderson M., Diaz D.A., and Spain A.E. (Assoc. Eds.) and the Terminology and Concepts Working Group (2020), Healthcare Simulation Dictionary –Second Edition. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; AHRQ Publication No. 20-0019. DOI:
Bailey, S., Hughes, A., Ray, J., Miller, G., Vora, S., & Scerbo, M. (2023, March). Human factors’ role in distance healthcare simulation [Panel]. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, Orlando, FL, USA
Bailey, S. (Under review). Review on healthcare distance simulation. Journal of Simulation in Healthcare.
Kirkpatrick AJ, Morton A, Palaganas JC, Ahmed R, Fayyaz J, Walsh B, Bailey S, Calhoun A, Duff J, Elkin R. Eller S, Greer S, Hughes A, Hughes P, Kardong-Edgren S. Kou M, Lababidi H, Lopez C, Ramachandra G. Ray J. Riggall V, Sanko J, Thomas A, Adler M, & Gross IT. (2023), 2022 Healthcare Distance Simulation Summit Proceedings - Advancing the Science of Distance Simulation. The Healthcare Distance Simulation Collaboration.
Event Type
Oral Presentations
TimeMonday, March 251:52pm - 2:15pm CDT
LocationSalon A-4
Simulation and Education