

PS10 - Research Guidelines and Considerations for Working with Subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment
DescriptionMild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is a unique and extremely heterogenous condition characterized by subjective and objective impairment in one or more areas of cognition, preserved global cognitive functioning, and lack of dementia (e.g., Petersen et al., 1999). Those diagnosed with MCI are able to complete activities of daily living (ADLs) required for self-care and independence but may struggle with more complex instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) such as financial and medication management. Research with older adults requires informed approaches that differ from other populations and those who are diagnosed with MCI face additional challenges and barriers to participation that should be accounted for by researchers and clinicians alike. MCI research is vastly underrepresented among the literature on Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias (ADRD). Establishing best practices, recommendations, and guidelines for working with older adult research subjects with diagnosed MCI is an important and necessary step forward for advancing the field. The guidelines provided span research planning and methodological approaches that best support older adults with MCI across different types of research and research-related interactions. Recommendations include: methods for clear, consistent and succinct communication; building rapport and trust with participants; repetition of information that is accessible and easily recognizable; identifying and troubleshooting potential impairments; establishing a primary contact, communication preferences; involvement of individuals’ support systems when necessary, and more. Researchers should always treat study subjects with respect and as competent and capable individuals. These recommendations are applicable for research with older adults in general but in particular for those with MCI. As the body of research grows with the increasing prevalence of MCI, guidelines for research with this population will become even more important.
Event Type
Poster Presentation
TimeMonday, March 254:45pm - 6:15pm CDT
LocationSalon C
Digital Health
Simulation and Education
Hospital Environments
Medical and Drug Delivery Devices
Patient Safety Research and Initiatives