

Dr. Boquet is a professor of human factors and behavioral neurobiology at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology: Experimental Psychology, from University of Southern Mississippi, a Master of Arts in Psychology, University of Southern Mississippi and Bachelor of Arts in Psychology: General Business, from Nicholls State University. Dr. Albert Boquet’s research has encompassed all aspects of medicine, from biological factors to ergonomic analysis. Dr. Boquet recent emphasis on medical human factors have lends a medical perspective to accident analysis and gives his work a well-rounded quality. His work literature focused on shift work, performance, error analysis, threat window perspective and accidents. Dr. Boquet’s literature thoroughly and extensively reviews the interaction between human factors and performance. Using psychological, social, biological, and logistical principles, Boquet’s work has helped define optimal conditions within the workplace for decades. Throughout his career, Dr. Boquet has presented at more than 200 conferences worldwide and has written over 100 publications and book chapters in the field of human factors.
Poster Presentation
Digital Health
Simulation and Education
Hospital Environments
Medical and Drug Delivery Devices
Patient Safety Research and Initiatives